It's been more than ten years since I quit drinking alcohol and, honestly, I can barely remember the person I was, pre-2011. I do recall an emotionally reactive, insecure, frequently sad and scared woman, who had virtually no self-awareness and absolutely no clue about concepts like 'growth mindset', 'mindfulness' or 'self-compassion'. But, as far as that woman constitutes me today, she is light years away.
I didn't quit drinking because I read somewhere on the internet (which, really, was in its infancy compared to where it's at today) how great life would be without booze; it wasn't because someone told me I should; it wasn't because I cared that much about growing as a person, or that I even knew this would be a thing were I to put down the bottle for good. And, although I was well aware of the fact that alcohol was not good for me, I didn't fully realise the seriousness of my circa 100-units-per-week drinking habit in relation to the longer term health risks.
I only quit drinking because I felt I had no choice - if I wanted to live, that is.
Over the last ten years, there have been highlights and low points, times when I felt as though I were flying and others when I've hit the deck in terms of mental health and self-care. Anxiety, depression, relationship disasters, Covid and, most recently, the death of my dog and faithful friend, Betty, have all been personal struggles I have battled. Alcohol hasn't played a part, but life definitely hasn't been a walk in the park since I chose the sober life.
And this is the same for all of us, isn't it? Shunning alcohol is easy when things are going well and we can readily appreciate the benefits of sobriety, but what about when everything hits the fan? What about when life is pretty awful, and we are struggling to just get out of bed in a morning?
With all of this in mind, I've created Rocca Life, a new, Zoom-based sober support group for anyone who wants connection and regular meetings with other people on the same road as them, with whom they can share experiences, and learn strategies and practices for staying sober, no matter what life throws their way. Rocca Life is about celebrating the wins and positives of living without alcohol but simultaneously not forgetting it isn't always pink clouds and rainbows.
I believe it's essential that we have access to a safe and non-judgmental place where we can express honestly, amongst people who understand, when we are not coping well. Somewhere we can talk confidentially about how hard things are, without fear of being frowned upon because, for us, the magic 'sober switch' hasn't quite been flicked yet.
Of course, chatting about how amazing and positive sobriety can be is just as much a part of Rocca Life, but equally, it's about recognising and honouring the times when we might need a bit of extra support.
The booking page goes live in the next few days, here on my coaching website, and you can choose between 3 options: Sunflower (1 x monthly meeting per month, email support and a free journal when you sign up), Blossom (2 x monthly meetings per month, email support and a free journal when you sign up) and Lotus (2 x monthly meetings per month, email support, 1 x 1-hour private coaching session with me, Lucy, and a free journal when you sign up). All group sessions take place on Saturdays at 9am or 4pm UK time (you choose the time that best suits you) and for Lotus, the private sessions are booked in on an individual basis to fit your schedule.
I hope you can join Rocca Life, and please email me on if you have any questions!
Lucy xx